Weakley County Patriots

The TEA Party movement has many meanings these days.   Some are trying to simply make waves hoping to elicit change, some are spreading rumors and untruths in the TEA Party name.  Some are using the movement for political advancement, endorsing and supporting any one candidate over another or claiming to be a separate party all together.  Many however are standing firm in the belief that the TEA Party movement should continue to be the amplified voice of the people and are working are to preserve that integrity.  It is with this potential confusion in mind that we The Weakley County Patriots offer the following:

Mission Statement

The goal of the Weakley County Patriots is to engage citizens in the processes of government through education, information and resources.  By enabling the citizens of our local area to have easier access to accurate information, we propose that better decisions will be made on the whole; by ourselves as we enter the polls to place our votes; to those who have been elected by knowing that those that put them into office will continue to monitor them vigilantly to uphold the office they have been honored to be placed in righteously, legally and with the best interest of the PEOPLE in mind, EVERY DAY.

The Weakley County Patriots are also of the “Pay it forward” mind.  Should you agree with working toward lasting change within our political structure, preserving our liberties and freedoms as they were intended – or not – please take the time to pass on the Weakley County Patriots information and get your friends, family and neighbors talking!  We are all in this together regardless of whether our views are the same or not and it is Weakley County Patriots firm belief that through educating the masses, we also empower them to make a better tomorrow.